We are the EXPERTS

Why engage an award-winning real estate agency to sell your property?

The main reason people even THINK about selling their property themselves is cost. The advertising and marketing costs, the agent’s commissions, legal fees and even property searches can all add up.

But compared to the benefits of letting the EXPERTS do it, is there a saving at all?

How hard can it be to take a few photos, talk about the property to people who enquire and make appointments for them to come an inspect! And in your spare time you can download and get a Contract ready, look up all the relevant local government and state legislation requirements for selling property in Queensland and hire qualified trades people to provide you with any inspection certificates you might need.

You’ve even had people – friends and family members – tell you they know someone who sold a home just like yours for X amount of dollars and they may know people who would be interested. You’re already in packing mode.

How much free time do you have?

If you are already juggling work and family commitments, then chances are you do not have time to sell your own property. It takes time, a lot of time and it takes a team to sell property well.

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is

Have you heard that saying before? We know from experience that anything to do with selling real estate should not be about doing it on the cheap. After all, you are not selling a lawn mower or a washing machine you have no further use for. These items are a take it or leave it sale and often whatever you get for them you’ll be happy with.

Your property is one of your biggest financial investments and relegating it to an out-of-a-box solution to save a few dollars could lead to disaster.

Pay for an experienced, local Real Estate Agent

You won’t regret it. Selling property well is a team effort and a real estate agent has the resources of an experienced team, a great network at their fingertips they work with on a regular basis. And they have been networking in their local area for a long time – if there is someone out there looking to buy property, chances are they will know about it. These skills ensure your property is in good hands all the way through the selling process.

We highly recommend you discuss the sale of your property with our experienced agents who will answer all of your questions and alert you to all of the potential pitfalls of going it alone.

The Benefits of Hiring a Licensed Real Estate Agent

  • After a comparative property analysis your agent will be able to determine the best possible price to put on your property.
  • They are licensed and obligated to follow legislative requirements when it comes to selling property.
  • Hold REIQ Accreditation so are bound by a code of conduct and operate from best practice guidelines.
  • They KNOW the local real estate market better than anyone.
  • They have contacts and prospective buyers.
  • They understand the best way to market your property in the current real estate market.

Don’t be tempted to save a few dollars, hire a professional to do the job for you.

Call today for an appointment on 4092 2232.



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We are the EXPERTS