House gains highly likely

Selling your home … but unsure! Do you put it on the market now? Do you wait and hope prices will go up? Do you panic and get it sold quickly in case prices go down?

Don’t let a negative news headline dictate your property decisions.

Instead, we encourage our sellers to consider the current local market. What’s happening in real estate in our area?

We are seeing a lot of buyer activity in our local market. In fact we are selling properties rather quickly. Recently we have had 2 properties put to market and gone to contract in under 3 weeks. We have sold a record number of properties in the last 6 months (Source: and seriously recommend if you’re thinking of selling, let’s have a conversation about how quickly we can get your property on the market.

Buyers are active and due to record sales the number of the properties on the market is low. Call us today and let’s start that conversation.

See our recent sales on our website.

For a detailed and indepth look at buyer habits and the meaning of housing demand, read Simon Pressley’s article from Propertyology.

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House gains highly likely